
GDLSSW006_en, PS and EPS (1)

Notebook for using SSW (Solar Soft Ware) on GDL (GNU Data Language).


In the previous article, I tried to re-make an EPS file of  my paper.

An obtained EPS file is incorrect.

Next, I investigate an origin of this error.

First, I try to make PS and EPS files of a simple plot.

Followings are the procedure and obtained files.

;pro simple_ps
 set_plot, 'ps'
 device, filename='$HOME/simple_ps.ps', $
         /inches, $
         xoffset=1.25, yoffset=1.5, $
         xsize=6.0, ysize=8.0
 plot, [0.,1.,2.,3.], [0.,1.,4.,9.], title='TITLE'
 device, /close_file
;pro simple_eps
 set_plot, 'ps'
 device, filename='$HOME/simple_eps.eps', $
         /encapsulated, $
         /inches, $
         xsize=6.0, ysize=6.0
 plot, [0.,1.,2.,3.], [0.,1.,4.,9.], title='TITLE'
 device, /close_file

simple_ps.ps. Set as 6 inch x 8 inch. This is half size of the screen shot.

simple_eps.eps. 6 inch x 6 inch.

The procedure is copied from a thread on making PS file in GDL.

Note that the EPS file is not correctly shown by using EVINCE.

In linux, one should use GV. In Windows, one should use GSview.

GDL made these PS and EPS files.

But these files are incorrect.

Clearly, the bounding boxes are strange.

Next, I compare the original EPS file with the same size(?) eps file made on GDL.

The original EPS file. 8cm x 8cm.

An EPS file made on GDL. xsize and ysize are set to be 8.0/2.54 inch (=8cm).

These files are different.

Oh, my goddess!

Next, I will try to make PS and EPS files with PLplot.

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