
GDLSSW002_en, setup of SSW

Notebook for using SSW (Solar Soft Ware) on GDL (GNU Data Language).

I checked GDL, and confrimed 'plot' and 'tvscl.'

Next, I tried to start SSW on GDL.

As a result, SSW has start.

But, reading messages, there are error messages (e.g., 'open error').

 Setup of SSW

SSW must be set up before starting.

As is described in the home page (SSW setup guide), I copy and paste the following commands in C-shell.

% setenv SSW ???/ssw
% setenv SSW_INSTR "gen mdi eit trace goes hinode sot xrt sxt"
% source $SSW/gen/setup/setup.ssw /quiet

'???' indicates the directory name.

In the last command, 'ssw_idl' is generated.


When ssw_idl is executed, IDL including SSW starts.

For GDL, the following line (#316) must be changed.

>  $IDL_DIR/bin/idl $command        # no alias (see comment) slf 30-Jul

This line is changed as follows.

<  /usr/bin/gdl $command

The file name also shoudl be changed, e.g., ssw_gdl.

Start up of SSW_GDL

Before start ssw_gdl, IDL_DIR and IDL_PATH must be set.

% setenv IDL_DIR /usr/share/gnudatalanguage
% setenv IDL_PATH /usr/share/gnudatalanguage/lib
% $HOME/bin/ssw_gdl

'/usr/share/gnudatalanguage' is the installed directory in Ubuntu.

In man of GDL, IDL_DIR and IDL_PATH are also used in GDL.

Instead of them, GIDL_DIR and GDL_PATH can be used.

Other settings may be necessary.

However, as is shown in the above figure, I confirmed start-up of SSW with error messages.

Future subjects are check of error messages, installing of SSWDB, and reading scientific data.

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