
GDLSSW001_en, Installing of GDL and SSW

Notebook for using SSW (Solar Soft Ware) on GDL (GNU Data Language).

First, installing GDL and SSW.

My OS is Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

GDL web page.
SSW web page.


I had used SSW on IDL for more than ten years, and had written scientific papers. (mainly data analysis of filetergrams and magnetograms)

I have not yet used GDL, and will confirm how to work while using.

On www, there is no complete information on how to use SSW on GDL, and are pieces of information.

Search keywords that I used are pairs of 'solar soft ware (SSW)' and 'gnu data language (GDL).'

Installing GDL

Because I use Ubuntu, I can install GDL (ver. 0.9.6) only by using APT-GET.

The package name is 'gnudatalanguage.'

Installing SSW

As is described in the homepage, I selected instruments, set the install directory, downloaded the shell script, and execute this.

But, it stopped halfway.

This is because Ubuntu does not install 'mail' command in default.

The shell script is set to mail to Dr. Freeland.

After I set 'no mail' option, the shell script downloaded files, and finished.

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【貨幣循環】名目GDPと M=G+I と V=1/(1-β) の成長率

「 【貨幣循環】貨幣循環導入の3点セット 」では、貨幣循環の定式化である M=G+I と V=1/(1-β) を紹介した。「 【貨幣循環】歳出伸び率とGDP成長率の関係 」では、名目GDPの成長率と政府支出Gの成長率の関係を紹介した。本記事では、MとV、および名目GDPの成長率...
